Week Four | June 18-June 21

To continue on in the vein of Sasquatch hunting, this week was trail hiking and trying to read the map right in order to get where the last sighting was. Is that a sign of a finding aid I see up around the bend???

Mark had me go through the 2017 collections list to see which ones were already in Omeka, which ones had a finding aid somewhere on the computer, and which ones were just missing…everything. Or a part of their everything. It was a really long list. I don’t remember the exact number, but I do know it was over 100 in terms of how many collections the WWPL archive had last year; some I couldn’t find anything about — meaning there wasn’t anything on the 2017 list beyond a collection name and nothing else — so those ended up with question marks typed next to them and highlighted a special color.

Oh, yeah, I made a new spreadsheet as I went along and, quite frankly, it’s kind of headache inducing. I’m not quite sure how it happened, but one second I’m chugging along, then the next I’m just like “I need to color coordinate this with this and that with that and actually, really, everything just needs to be colored!!!”. Uncolored white spaces became the enemy.

So now I have this…Tetris blocked looking spreadsheet with like…8 or 9 different colors — maybe more — and I can say with 70% confidence that I remember what each color stands for; I forgot to make a key. Whoops. I think I tried to write one down at some point, so that could very well be floating around somewhere, but probably not. I did at least copy and paste an uncolored version of my spreadsheet so in case any poor unsuspecting soul goes to open it they won’t be blinded by the…everything it has to offer in terms of Roy G. Biv and all the color variations in between.
